Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Donald J. Trump Regarding taxes :
" I said that I may have to increase the section - and by the way, everybody across the board, businesses, everybody's getting a tax cut, especially the middle class. And I said that I may have to increase it on the wealthy. I'm not going to allow it to be increased on the middle class. Now, if I increase on the wealthy, that means they're still going to be paying less than they pay now. "
DONALD J. TRUMP, CNN interview, 5/09/16

Holy crap, that last bit gives me a headache ! " if I increase taxes on the wealthy, that means they're still going to be paying less in taxes than they do now. " Economists around the world are scratching their heads today and popping antacids !
I did not make this up, you can find that quote in every newspaper in America and many Foreign papers as well !