Tuesday, May 12, 2015


President Obama's first job was with a Catholic Church Social Justice Organization.

Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden is the only Second Lady in history to have a paying job while serving the country.

There is no such thing as an " Obamaphone " The phones are sponsored by the telephone industry and subsidized by the Federal Government. The program actually started in 1996.

The highest concentration of people in Welfare Dependency are in Republican led States, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Maine, Montana, Tennessee, W. Virginia, S. Dakota, . . . Take note, 8 of the above states are RED states, and 1, Maine is purple

Contrary to Republican anti-minimum wage talking points the fast food industry is not mostly teenagers working after school !
According  to the National Employment Law Project, the average age of fast-food workers is 29. Forty percent are 25 or older, 31 percent have at least attempted college; more than 26 percent are parents raising children. Union organizers say that one-third to one-half of them have more than one

Facts are facts,