Monday, December 2, 2013


Item #1
 Republican Senator John Cornyn got deep in the cellar of his brain to come up with this gem :
“ I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level "
I cannot unthink this statement ! Sen. Cornyn is one of the constant benders of the truth in regards to the Affordable Care Act, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, etc. It is simply unbelievable that he is the one that makes this statement.

Item #2
An amazing number of people in this country continue to call in to C-Span and complain about this " Obamacare socialized medicine thing "
The depth of ignorance this conjures up is stunning. Our education system seems to have failed to teach our youth the most simple concepts of governance. When private insurance companies are the basis for the Affordable Care Act, the result is a free market system. That is a Democracy solution not   
Socialism. I challenge everyone reading this when at your local hospital to ask to see the Federal Government Representative. Or ask where his or her office is. Or ask to see the Government Insurance Agent. Or ask to speak to the Government Doctor. Or maybe start out looking for the Government Hospital in your area. 

Item #3
An acquaintance recently informed me that he was against any assistance to poor people. He claimed to only care about his family and that any aid to those less fortunate than him amounted to a taking of his money. The very concept is outrageous and repulsive to me. It belies all value of mankind to withhold assistance to those in need. 
 The possible result of such a policy is terrifying. The poor and disenfranchised would fall to such despair and dejection that the only answer would be an uprising that would destroy the country from within.
 Such utter selfishness seems to be an increasing sickness in our country. My brain hurts when I think about this. The absurd side of this is that a lot of this selfishness is promulgated by the Christian Right. I cannot wrap my mind around that fact.