Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today as the Senate was to vote on the confirmation of Loretta Lynch to be the Attorney General of the United States, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican from Texas, made a fool of himself (again) by mentioning the many highly ignorant hypotheticals he posed to Ms. Lynch during her nomination hearing. He posited that since she refused to answer his ignorant hypotheticals that she proved somehow that she intended to approve of President Obamas "lawlessness" as he calls it. 
If all that is not egregious enough, he then decided not to vote today. That's not a yes and not a no !
Sen. Cruz did not have the guts to go on the record with a NO vote. COWARDLY !
I am flummoxed----

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This excerpt from the L.A. Times by Noam N. Levy explains how the Republicans would replace the Affordable Care Act with, you guessed it, the Affordable Care Act !

"The Republican outline would ban insurance companies from imposing lifetime limits on coverage, allow young adults up to age 26 to remain on their parents' health plans, and create a system of tax subsidies to help Americans buy coverage. All are pillars of the current law.

Like the current law, the proposal includes a system for penalizing people who don't have health insurance, although the mechanism is different than the current tax penalty.

And the Republican plan, like the current law, relies on cuts in Medicare spending and a new tax on employer-provided health plans with particularly rich benefits."

The mind reels, the little cogs turn, nothing meshes, they smile,

And I just move on !